Version 1.663

Released: 2024-05-??

File system usage information new

A new setting has been added to directadmin.conf which controls whether file system information is displayed within system info page (System Info & Files -> System Information) as well as its widgets.

This feature is enabled by default and can be turned on or off by making use of the fs_in_system_info option in directadmin.conf. For example, to turn it off run the following command in your server's terminal: da config-set --restart fs_in_system_info 0.

The System Information page displays all of the relevant information in a table as well as separate pie charts for each device. Example below:

file system information

Personal information and notification settings in profile page evolution new

Profile page has been expanded to allow configuration of display name, contact e-mail and limit notice.

Image below shows the portion of the page used for configuring display name and contact e-mail address:

personal information configuration

Image below shows the portion of the page used for configuring limit notice:

notification settings configuration

Previously, if a User were to delete all allowed URLs, DirectAdmin would automatically add a default set of Domains and Pointers so that the website would not break. This caused some confusiong so this change will instead disable the Hotlink Protection feature if there are no URLs left after the User action. This also applies if a User is trying to enable the feature before there are any URLs, DirectAdmin will not allow it. They must add the allowed URLs first, else a message will be shown.

Software version changes custombuild improved

  • composer updated from 2.7.2 to 2.7.4
  • nginx updated from 1.25.4 to 1.26.0
  • imagemagick updated from 7.1.1-30 to 7.1.1-31
  • modsecurity_owasp_rules updated from 3.3.5 to 4.2.0

With the new major OWASP Modsecurity Core rule set the name of this component in versions.txt was changed from owasp3_rules to modsecurity_owasp_rules. New name describes the software component in a more precise way.

Note: If version of owasp3_rules was customized the custom version will not be used until name is updated in the customizations file as well.

New table design for email forwarders page evolution improved

The email forwarders table (present in E-mail Manager -> Forwarders page) has been redesigned, similar to the one in the databases page.

Image below shows what the new table looks like:

new forwarders table

Forwarders create and modify pages evolution improved

Email forwarder creation and modification dialog windows have been moved out to separate pages.

The creation page is accessible by going to E-mail Manager -> Forwarders and then clicking Create E-mail Forwarder button. On the other hand, the modification page is accessible by going to that same E-mail Manager -> Forwarders page and clicking Modify present within any of the forwarder table rows.

Per user resource limit hits page and its redesign evolution improved

The resource limit hits page has seen a few big changes:

  1. Resource limit hits dialog (accessible by navigating to System Info & Files -> Resource Limits, clicking Limit Hits next to the Show input label) has been moved out as a separate page.
  2. Table has been visually redesigned and clicking Details now expands the table row to display information about that specific event. Where as before users had to click an arrow icon to navigate back and forth and in doing so were obscured from previously shown information. With this change, all of the related event details are accessible with a single click.
  3. Time period input has been changed to the same type of input as present in the index page (System Info & Files -> Resource Limits -> Limit Hits tab, Newer Than input field). Subsequently, after opening the per user limit hits page the Newer Than input is picked up where user left off in the index page (has the same starting period already set).

Image below shows what the per user resource limit hits page looks like:

resource limit hits page

Cron job edit page evolution improved

Cron job edit dialog (accessed by going to Advanced Features -> Cron Jobs -> clicking the edit icon) has been moved out as a separate page. It's been made to look and feel similar to the cron job creation page.

Skip database size computation evolution improved

In this release, we've introduced a new option that allows you to skip calculating the size of your databases. When this option is enabled, the system will no longer compute the size of databases when listing them. This can help save server resources and reduce the time it takes to display your list of databases.

You can find this new option in two places: on the Skin Options page (or sidebar) and under the databases table on the Database Management page.

skip database size computation toggle in skin optionsskip database size computation toggle under databases list

Live API documentation text contrast in dark mode evolution fixed

Fixed issue where using dark mode, large portions of api documentation (Support & help -> Live API documentation) were barely readable because the text blended into the background.

Buffer overflow reading logs fixed

Using log viewer (/CMD_LOG_VIEWER command) on log files that are being actively updated could lead to unexpected buffer overflow and failure to get log contents.

Issue is fixed in this release.

Nginx unit configuration in backups fixed

User account backup used to only include nginx unit configuration if domain data (website files from user home directory) is also included in the backup. Starting this release nginx unit configuration will be always included in the backup.

LiteSpeed & Unit: Use ProxyPass instead of RewriteRule fixed

It was found that the RewriteRule in LiteSpeed was not passing the Host header, thus Unit was not able to pass the request to the correct route. Testing of various LiteSpeed versions confirmed that the ProxyPass is required to properly have LiteSpeed pass the Host header to Unit.

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