Plugin structure

A single plugin is a set of configuration files and code stored in a single directory located at /usr/local/directadmin/plugins. For example plugin with a name hello_world would store all its files at /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/hello_world.

Each plugin is expected to have the following structure:

  • ./plugin.conf - configuration file, it describes the plugin and plugin integration details.
  • ./hooks - directory with scripts that are executed by DirectAdmin when some specific event happend (for example user is created). In addition to event hooks this directory also contains helper scripts for the plugin integration.
  • ./scripts - directory with helper scripts that are executed by plugin manager at different plugin life-cycle stages.
  • ./admin, ./reseller, ./user - directories with the plugin code for different types of user levels. Code in these directories are used for extending GUI.
  • ./images - a directory for static images that can be used by plugin GUI. Contents of this directory are served as static files without being executed as scripts.

Configuration file plugin.conf

Inside the plugin directory, there must be a file plugin.conf with the basic information about the plugin. Without this file directory is not considered to be a valid DirectAdmin plugin.

Configuration contents is list of key=val entries. List of configuration options:

Option nameValue exampleDescription
nameHello WorldHuman friendly plugin name visible in the plugin-manager.
idhello_worldShould match the name of plugin directory.
authorJBMC-SoftwareHuman friendly description of the plugin author.
version1.0Opaque string used to compare different versions of the same plugin.
update_url, if not empty allows plugin to be updated via plugin-manager.
version_url, URL to check for new version availability. Response for this URL should be only version string.
activeyesIf set to yes plugin is active and can be used by DA, when set to no plugin is not available.
installedyesManaged by the plugin-manager, it is set to yes when plugin install script is executed and set to no after executing uninstall script.

Example plugin.conf file:

name=Hello World

User level directories for plugin GUI

Files inside user level directories are executable scripts that should render plugin GUI.

Scripts inside the ./admin directory will be only available for users having admin level access on the server. Directory ./reseller script will be available for users having reseller access and ./user will be available for all the users.

Each user level directory must have a file named index.html it will be used as a starting point when user selects to access plugin via GUI.

Each file should be a script that when executed will produce HTML output that will be shown to the user accessing the plugins page. Files should be set to executable mode (755).

The scripts will be executed as the DirectAdmin/UNIX user account that triggered the request.

Main DirectAdmin service will pass data for the request via environment variables.

Example of ./user/index.html page:

Hello World!<br>
This script is being run as <?=getenv('USERNAME')?><br>
<textarea rows=30 cols=85><?php phpinfo(INFO_ENVIRONMENT); ?></textarea>

When plugin script is executed all output on the stdout is inserted into the |OUTPUT| token on the skins page. No data from the strerr will be retrieved. The exit code of the script is not checked, so errors should be directed to the stdout.

Plugin GUI request mapping

This section describes a list of rules how HTTP requests to DirectAdmin web-server triggers execution of plugin GUI scripts:

  • Requests to /CMD_PLUGINS_ADMIN/{name}/... will execute scripts from /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/{name}/admin/... directory.
  • Requests to /CMD_PLUGINS_RESELLER/{name}/... will execute scripts from /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/{name}/reseller/... directory.
  • Requests to /CMD_PLUGINS/{name}/... will execute scripts from /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/{name}/user/... directory.
  • Plugin paths starting with /images/... will return content from /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/{name}/images/... directory. It will not execute file as script but just return file contents.
  • Requests to root directory of plugin will execute script index.html.

Examples of requests that execute plugin script and return its contents wrapped in a skin plage dedicated for showing plugin contents:

RequestExecuted script

Exmples of requests that serve static contents without executing the script and without wrapping its contents in skin template:

RequestReturned static file contents

Standard menu integration

For plugin to become visible in the DirectAdmin GUI a set of special files in ./hooks directory needs to be created:

./hooks/admin_txt.htmlHTML template to render menu link that opens plugin GUI on admin access level
./hooks/reseller_txt.htmlHTML template to render menu link that opens plugin GUI on reseller access level
./hooks/user_txt.htmlHTML template to render menu link that opens plugin GUI on user access level

Other magic files:

./images/admin_icon.svgIf present will be used as icon for plugin menu entry on admin access level
./images/user_icon.svgIf present will be used as icon for plugin menu entry on user access level
./images/reseller_icon.svgIf present will be used as icon for plugin menu entry on reseller access level

Example HTML image template ./hooks/admin_txt.html:

<a href="/CMD_PLUGINS_ADMIN/hello_world">Hello World Plugin</a>

Template files are being evaluated using DirectAdmin template system. It means it is possible to use macros or execute external scripts inside them.

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